Afri4Cast at EO for Agriculture Under Pressure 2024 Workshop

At the “EO for Agriculture Under Pressure 2024” workshop, held at ESA-ESRIN in Frascati, Italy, the AFRI4CAst project was presented, highlighting its innovative approach to enhancing food security in Africa.

By integrating meteorological and satellite data, the AFRI4CAst solution drives advanced predictive models that estimate crop yields and assess the risks of mycotoxin formation and rust disease in key crops such as wheat, maize, and rice. This early warning system is crucial for timely interventions, helping to safeguard food safety and improve agricultural resilience across the continent.

Additionally, AFRI4CAst participated in the Agriculture Science Cluster meeting, organized by the EC and ESA, which focused on fostering collaboration and synergies between European research projects utilizing Earth Observation technologies to address the challenges facing modern agriculture

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